Thank you for a recordbreaking turnout for GardenFair 2025.

Thank you for a recordbreaking turnout for GardenFair 2025.


Sweetwater Oaks Garden Club’s mission is to educate our members and the community about horticulture, conservation, environmental issues, and artistic floral design.

We are an active, friendly club of all ages and gardening abilities in Longwood, FL. We are involved in many delightful and informative events and annual fundraisers, such as Game Day, Plant Sales, and the popular Annual Garden Fair.

Our activities include youth gardeners, floral design classes, guest speakers at meetings, field trips, plant auctions, horticulture discussions, Arbor Day plantings, and member yard tours.

In our community, we contribute local landscape projects, sponsor students at Wekiva Youth Camp,  provide scholarships to horticulture students at University of Florida, and entertain and educate at our Annual Garden Fair.


Sweetwater Oaks Garden Club (SWOGC) was organized on January 9, 1974, with 19 charter members. We are members of the National Garden Club, the Deep South Garden Clubs, Inc., and the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. (District VII) on January 27, 1975. SWOGC was incorporated in 1992. Robert’s Rules of Order governs the parliamentary procedures of SWOGC’s board and general meetings.

Events through the years have furthered the club’s purpose of educating members and the community in their relationship to horticulture, conservation, and environmental needs, as well as to the art of floral design. Fundraisers such as the annual Card Party/Game Day (since 1986), community Garden Fair (since 2006), and Plant Sales raise money to support club activities and horticulture education through camperships to the Wekiva Youth Camp and scholarships to adult college students.